Frase will process the top 20 Google results for search query: {{activeDocument.query}}

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{{serpLoader.title | limitTo: 45 }}{{serpLoader.title.length > 45 ? '...' : ''}}


Frase successfully processed {{sources_processed_count}} search results.

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{{customQuery | limitTo: 50 }}{{customQuery.length > 50 ? '...' : ''}}
{{kFormatter(word_count)}} {{kFormatter(avg_word_count)}}
{{doc_section_count}} {{avg_section_count}}
{{doc_links_count}} {{avg_link_count}}
{{doc_images_count}} {{avg_img_count}}
{{sources_processed_count}}/{{all_sources_count}} results processed
Ranking: #{{ source.index }} Word Count: {{ kFormatter(source.word_count) }} DA: {{source.domain_authority}} Links: {{kFormatter(source.backlinks)}}



{{asset.header_tag}} {{asset.header}}

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Not processed

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Writing about "{{serp_ai_writer.asset.header}}"


{{output.word_count}} words
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